More Than Half of Households on Curaçao have No Internet Due to Its High Cost

The Curaçao Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) hereby presents the results of the ICT & Media Survey. This survey measures the extent to which households and individuals in Curaçao use and have access to Information and Communication Technology. The survey was held from April to June of 2017. A second objective of the survey was to see how Curaçao compares to other countries around the world with regard to technology (the so-called ICT Development Index, or IDI).

First results:


Curaçao’s ICT Development Index (IDI) is at 6.93, putting the island on the global Top 50. Among other countries of the region, Curaçao comes in third (behind St. Kits & Nevis, 7.21 and Barbados, 7.18). More information on the international IDI is available at

In the last three months, 69.7 percent of the population used a computer. The three most common computer activities are sending e-mail with attachments, copy-pasting information into documents and copying folders.

In 2011, 53.1 percent of households on Curaçao had an internet connection. Now, in 2017, 64.5 percent of households do, with 51.3 percent of those with no internet stating high internet costs as the reason for this.


With respect to media, 68 percent of Curaçao’s population (6-years-old and up) listen to the radio, 84.7 percent watch television and 54.4 read the newspapers. Although the figures do show variation by age, little difference is seen between the sexes in this regard. Young people listen to the radio less than people age 25 and older. The same applies to reading the newspaper, while on the other hand, more young people watch television compared to the elderly.

Social media are also popular, being used by 70.3 percent of the population. The most popular social media are WhatsApp and Facebook, and are used in order to stay in contact with family and friends. The 30 percent who do not use social media report dislike of these types of contact as the reason.

The population’s media participation is low, but when they do participate, calling in to radio programs is the most common way of doing so.

In conclusion

More information on these results can be found here ICT & Media | Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao (

The CBS wishes to thank all households that contributed to this survey.