Technology and Media Use through Generations

The ICT and Media Survey, conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics in 2017, has the objective of understanding the extent to which the population of Curaçao has access to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and media and how it is used. More specifically this means that questions were asked regarding access to ICT devices and services, frequency, location, purpose and device of media and ICT used.

As time passes, world developments influence and mold generations through evolutions. How are babies able to use computers and touch screen devices while it takes older generations longer to learn this skill? The general belief that the younger generations are so involved with mobile phones and the information highway thus becoming less socially inclined, does that translate into their behavior?

According to research, we can distinguish five different generations starting from the 1900s. This article will not discuss the definition of each generation. We have chosen to use the definitions as defined by ‘The Center of Generational Kinetics’ as that reflects better the influences on the local population.

The five different generations that will be considered in this article are:

1. Generation Z, iGen, or Centennials: Born 1996 and later
2. Millennials or Generation Y: Born 1977 to 1995
3. Generation X: Born 1965 to 1976
4. Baby Boomers: Born 1946 to 1964
5. Traditionalists or Silent Generation: Born 1945 and before

According to The Center of Generational Kinectics generations differ from each other on three levels: parenting, technology, and economics ( In this article, we will look at the use of technology across the generation; more specifically, whether there is indeed a difference in the use of the traditional and modern media. As media Modus 16; nr.1 Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek Curacao 2 evolves and technology becomes more prevalent nowadays, technology and media become more and more intertwined.

In this article, we separate the media and technology highlighted in the survey into traditional and modern media. Traditional media is defined as radio, newspaper and television. Modern media is defined as internet and social media. Social media is designed to be used as a medium with which people stay in contact with others. The internet can be used to access online television, newspapers, watching movies and listening to music.

Technology and Media Use through Generations