As of September 2, 2023, the Census population consisted of 155,826 persons, of which 70,162 were men and 85,596 were women.
Since the 2011 Census, Curaçao's population has increased by 5,263 persons, representing a 3.5 percent growth relative to 2011.
The sex ratio, or the number of men per 100 women, has been declining since censuses began. The proportion of women continues to increase. In 2023, there were 82 men per 100 women, compared to 84.3 men per 100 women in 2011. The sex ratio varies by age category. Females are in the majority in the age groups 15-64 and 65+.
For the historical data regarding the theme Population please visit our online digital library by clicking here CBS Search Results - All Collection Groups
Key figures
Population | Census 2023 |
Total population | 155,826 |
Male | 70,162 |
Female | 85,596 |
Sex ratio (males per 100 females) | 82 men per 100 women |
Please visit the Senso2023 website for updated information regarding the population of Curaçao.
Population of Curaçao, January 1st, 2023
Population January 1st 2023 by age and sex
Age distribution Curaçao, January 1st 2023
Historical serie Population of Curaçao 1900-2022
Emigration Curaçao 2011-2023
Emigration by country of arrival and sex 2014-2019
Marriages and divorces, 2011-2021
Mortality in Curaçao 2011-2023
Births by month 2011- 2019
Immigration Curaçao 2011-2023
Immigration by country of departure and sex 2014-2019
Fertility 2011-2023