


De werkenden en de werkzoekenden samen, ook wel de economisch actieve bevolking genoemd

Bruto Binnenlands Product

Is de totale geldwaarde van alle in een land geproduceerde finale goederen en diensten gedurende een bepaald periode (meestal een jaar)

 Bruto en netto inkomen

Het bruto inkomen is het inkomen uit arbeid, vermogen uitkering of andere bron waar geen inhoudingen op zijn gepleegd.

Het netto inkomen is gelijk aan het bruto inkomen na aftrek van loon- of inkomstenbelasting en sociale premies.

Bruto Toegevoegde Waarde (BTW)

De brutoproductie minus het intermediare verbruik


De omzet plus veranderingen in voorraden. voor de handel : omzet minus kostprijs (handelsmarge)


Cable TV (CATV)

multichannel programming delivered over a coaxial cable for viewing on television sets  


Census is a count of the whole population of a country on a certain point in time. This does not only concern the number of individuals and households, but also the demographic and social-economic characteristics of the population at that moment.


 all persons in a population that experience a particular demographic event during a specified time interval. For example, a birth cohort refers to persons born during a specified period


Een belangrijke basis voor het berekenen van de CPI en de  inflatie wordt gevormd door de consumentenbestedingen. Bestedingen van (buitenlands) toeristen op ons eiland  of van inwoners van ons  eiland in het buitenland (via internet bijvorbeeld ) vallen hier per defenitie niet onder. In het kader van dit artikel wordt dan gesproken van " de lokale markt" of "de lokale economie"

Consumer Price Index (CPI) 

The index reflects the price changes of a package of goods and services that are bought on average by all households.


Een consumptiegoed is elk tastbaar goed dat geproduceerd wordt om vervolgens door de consument, om haar noodzaak aan dit te bevredigen, geconsumeerd te worden.

Consumptiemand(je) of Consumentenmand(je)

De (Het) "consumptiemand(je)" of consumentenmand(je)" is een verzameling producten diensten die het bestedingspatroon van de gemiddelde consument weergeeft. Deze consumptiemand dient in principe een keer in de vijf a tien jaar volledig te worden herzien aan de hand van de gegevens over consumptieve bestedingen die verkregen worden uit het budgetonderzoek ook wel "household budget survey of HBS genoemd. Tussentijds worden, indien nodig, aanpassingen gedaan in deze representatieve, gebalanceerde consumentenmand, bijvoorbeeld als een winkel falliet gaat of een product niet meeer verkocht wordt,


Consumption is an activity in which institutional units use up goods or services. There are two quite different kinds of consumption. Intermediate consumption consists of inputs into processes of production that are used up within the accounting period. Final consumption consists of goods and services used by individual households or the community to satisfy their individual or collective needs or wants.

Country of birth

Socio - economic characteristics are aspects that form to the social reality in which individuals live in. A relevant characteristic from this module for this article is country of birth divided into native and foreign born

Country of origin

refers to the country of birth of first-generation migrants. For second-generation migrants, the country of origin is the country of birth of the mother, unless that is Curaçao, in which case it is the country of birth of the father.


De CPI is een maatstaf voor de gemiddelde prijs die consumenten aan goederen en diensten uitgeven voor een representatief, marktconform, gebalanceerd "consumptiemandje " ook wel "consumentenmand(je) " genoemd. de CPI wordt door het CBS maandelijks berekend op grond van circa 7000 prijzen van producten en diensten in het "consumptiemandje" die elke maand verzameld worden. Deze prijzen worden vervolgens gewogen met het aandeel dat ze hebben in de gemiddelde bestedingen van de consument.

Cruise calls or cruise ship, port of call

is the premier stop from where cruise ships take on passengers for their cruise holidays. A port of call refers to a port where a ship halts so that passengers can embark and disembark appropriately.

Cultuur beoefening

Alle culturele activiteiten behalve de culturele activiteiten die scholieren tijdens schooluren beoefenen

of die een volwassene als onderdeel van werk beoefend.


Het beoefenen van culturele activiteiten (actief) en het volgen / bezoeken van culturele activiteiten en / of geintereseerd  zijn 

in culturele activiteiten (passief)

Cyclical unemployment

occurs because of a downturn in a country's business cycle



Demography involves the statistical study of human populations. As a very general science, it can analyze any kind of dynamic living population, i.e., one that changes over time or space (see population dynamics). It encompasses the study of the size, structure, and distribution of these populations, and spatial and/or temporal changes in them in response to time, birth, migration, aging, and death.

Demo- from Ancient Greek δῆμος dēmos, means "the people" and -graphy from γράφω graphō, implies writing, description or measurement. Demographics are quantifiable characteristics of a given population.


A district is a type of administrative division that, in some countries, is managed by local government.


Economically active population
the employed and the unemployed population added together.
Economically inactive population

all persons of 15 years or older who during the research period:

a. do not have a job or an own enterprise; and

b. are not actively seeking work

Economisch niet actieven

Alle personen van 15 jaar en ouder die noch werken, noch op zoek zijn naar werk.

Een ontwikkeld land

Is een land dat een hoge graad van industrialisatie heeft bereikt en dat van de hogere levenstandaarden, die volgen uit rijkdom en technologie, gebruik kan maken.

Employed population

all persons 15 years and older who during the research period:
a. have a job or have their own enterprise; or
b. who during the week preceding the research period performed any work for pay in cash or in kind for 4 hours or more


De handeling van het verkopen van goederen of diensten aan het buitenland. ook aangeduid als uitvoer. Hiertegenover staat import, de handeling van de koop van goederen en diensten van het buitenland, ook angeduid als invoer 

Exports of goods and services

Exports of goods and services consist of sales, barter, or gifts or grants, of goods and services from resident to non-residents (art 14.88, SNA)


Financial corporations sector

This sector consists of all resident corporations and quasi-corporations whose principal activity is financial intermediation or facilitating financial intermediation. In addition, it includes NPIs engaged in market production of a financial nature (e.g., insurance), including those financed by subscriptions from financial enterprises whose role is to promote and serve the interests of those enterprises (art 4.8).

First-generation migrants

those persons whose place of birth is outside Curaçao and who have migrated to Curaçao at some point in their life. The first-generation migrant population is equal to the foreign-born population.

First-generation migrants

those persons whose place of birth is outside Curaçao and who have migrated to Curaçao at some point in their life. The first-generation migrant population is equal to the foreign-born population.

Foreign Exchange

Foreign-exchange reserves (also called forex reserves or FX reserves) is money or other assets held by a central bank or other monetary authority so that it can pay if necessary its liabilities, such as the currency issued by the central bank, as well as the various bank reserves deposited with the central bank by the government and other financial institutions. 


de leegstand als na vertrek van de huurder of aanbieding van de woning op de koopmarkt op korte termijn geen aansluitende verhuur/verkoop plaatsvindt, tot maximaal één jaar* (Bouwstenen voor sociaal, 2016)

Frictional unemployment

occures when people move into and out of jobs, such as unemployment college graduates searching for a job, family caregivers returning to the labor force and employees quitting their jobs prior to obtaining a new one (levine, 2013)


Gemiddelde inkomen

Is het gemiddelde van alle inkomens van de groep personen in de betreffende analyse

voor de berekening van alle gemiddelde inkomens zijn alle non-respons en alle inkomens niet meegenomen

General government sector

This sector consists mainly of central, state and local government units together with social security funds imposed and controlled by those units. In addition, it includes NPIs engaged in non-market production that are controlled and mainly financed by government units or social security funds (art.4.9).


A generation is defined as “the entire body of individuals born and living at about the same time. A group of individuals, most of whom are the same approximate age, having similar ideas, pro1blems, attitudes, etc.” 

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

The sum of gross value added of all resident producer units (institutional sectors or, alternatively, industries) plus that part (possibly the total) of taxes, less subsidies on products, which is not included in the valuation of output (production approach) or,

The sum of the final uses of goods and services (all uses except intermediate consumption) measured in purchasers' prices, less the value of imports of goods and services (expenditure approach) or,

The sum of primary incomes distributed by resident producer units (income approach); (art.7.17).

Gross fixed capital formation

This is the value of acquisitions less disposals of fixed assets. Fixed assets are produced assets (mostly machinery, equipment, buildings or other structures but also including some intangible assets) that are used repeatedly or continuously in production over several accounting periods (more than one year); (art.1.49).

 Gross National Income (GNI)

Gross National Income (GNI) is equal to GDP less primary incomes payable to non-resident units plus primary incomes receivable from non-resident units. In other words, GNI is equal to GDP less taxes (less subsidies) on production and imports, compensation of employees and property income payable to the rest of the world plus the corresponding items receivable from the rest of the world. Thus GNI at market prices is the sum of gross primary incomes receivable by resident institutional units/sectors (art. 7.16).

Grote bedrijven
Dit zijn bedrijven met 50 of meer personen in loondienst en een omzet van 5 miljoen gulden.


Head of household

The head of the household is the person who has been pointed as such by the members of the household. If the household cannot agree on this, the person on whose name the house is registered or rented is head. If it is still unclear, the interviewer can always decide the oldest member of the household as the head of the household.

Note: 'Head’ has no meaning in the sense of ‘the boss’. The head only acts as ‘Reference Person’ for ‘the relation codes’. 


A household can consist of a single person living on his own (a one-person household) or of more persons living together, - in the latter case: in informal domestic relations.

Criterion for ‘informal domestic relations’ is, that mutual agreements have been made for the purchase of food and other living necessities and that everyone is using the main room of the house (the living room) and the kitchen together.

Persons with a variable address, who are not a member of one particular household, will be interviewed in the household where they are staying at the moment of interview.
Persons living (or who will live) in an institution (a prison, a mental institution, etc.) for at least a year outside of their household will not be considered a member of that particular household.
Children studying abroad will not be included in the household -and not included in the census.

Household sector

This sector consists of all resident households. These include institutional households made up of persons staying in hospitals, retirement homes, convents, prisons, etc. for long periods of time. As already noted, an unincorporated enterprise owned by a household is treated as an integral part of the latter and not as a separate institutional unit, except when the enterprise qualifies as a quasi-corporation (art 4.11).



any person, regardless of country of birth, who has changed his or her country of usual residence to Curaçao, meaning he or she has moved from abroad (including the islands that formerly constituted the Netherlands Antilles, other than Curaçao) to reside in Curaçao.

Imports of goods and services
Imports consist of purchases, barter, or receipts of gifts or grants, of goods and services by resident from non-residents (art.14.88).

The extent to which people perceive that society allows them to belong to it while at the same time permiting them to themselves.


Inflation can be defined as one long economic process of  general increase in prices , resulting in currency deprecciation and increased of the cost of living

Intermediare of halfafgewerkte goedern

groeperen de goederen die één of meerdere industriële transformaties hebben  ondergaan en die nog moeten worden omgezet in afgewerkte goederen.

International Comparison Program (ICP)

The International Comparison Program (ICP) is a worldwide statistical partnership to collect comparative price data and compile detailed expenditure values of countries' gross domestic products (GDP), and to estimate purchasing power parities (PPPs) of the world's economies. Using PPPs instead of market exchange rates to convert currencies makes it possible to compare the output of economies and the welfare of their inhabitants in real terms (that is, controlling for differences in price levels). ( \ ICP2011)

International reserves

The assets denominated in foreign currency, plus gold, held by a central bank, sometimes for the purpose of intervening in the exchange market to influence or peg the exchange rate. Usually includes foreign currencies themselves (especially US dollars), other assets denominated in foreign currencies, gold, and a small amount of special drawing rights (SDRs). 

International tourism expenditure

as expenditure of outbound visitors in other countries including their payments to foreign carriers for international passenger transport. It also includes any other payments or payments afterwards made for goods and services received in the destination of destination. The definition is more extensive than that of the travel expenditure in the Balance of Payments in which international passenger transport is not included. (~ World Tourism Organization, WTO) 

Interpersonal trust

Entails the degree in which individuals trust another person. The statement that were used to measure interpersonal trust are "most people can be trusted" and "people try to help each other out". These statements could be answered by meanof a 5-point likert scale thet ranged from 1=complete agree.



De bevolking van 15 tot en met 24 jaar oud



Goederen voor voortzetting, uitbreiding of verbretering van de productie waarvoor langlopende investeringen vereist worden.

Voorbeelden : fabrieken, machines, gereedschappen.


Dit zijn bedrijven met minder dan 10 personen in loondienst en een omzet van minder dan 0,5 miljoen NAf.

Het microbedrijf vormt een onderdeel van een onderdeel van het kleinbedrijf (minder dan 5 personen in loondienst en een omzet

van minder dan 0,5 miljoen NAf)

Kwetsbare werkgelegenheid (" Vulnerable employment")

Werk dat geen formele werkrelaties heeft waarbij sociale zekerheid, zekerheid van werk en inspraak ontbreken.

Kwetsbaar werk is in deze publicatie geoperationaliseerd tot werk behorende tot de economische posities losse job, 

onbetaalde familiewerker en zelfstandige beroepsbeoefenaar.


Labour force

th total number of employed and unemployed persons.

Labour force participation rate

The number of persons in the labour force as a percentage of the working age population; in other words: [the total number of persons in labour force / total number of persons in the population of 15 years or older] x 100

Labour informality

Informal business (enterprises)

1. Own-account workers, employers in the informal sector

Informal employment

2. Employees in the forma-or informal sector who have informal employment

3. Contributing family workers in the formal- or informal sector

4. Employees in households who have informal employment

Langdurige leegstand

Langdurige leegstand is de leegstandsituatie waarin frictieleegstand in overgaat, tot maximaal twee jaar na vertrek huurder of aanbieding op de woningmarkt (bouwsteen voor sociaal 2106)

Laptop (portable) computer

a computer that is small enough to carry and usually enables the same tasks as a desktop computer; it includes notebooks and netbooks but does not include tablets and similar handheld computers. 


een gebouw met woonfunctie waarvan tijdens de opnames in het veld wordt geconstateerd dat het niet wordt bewoond.

Life expectancy at birth

the average number of years a newborn would live if he or she were exposed throughout his or her lifetime to the age-specific mortality rates of that period.

Living accommodation

A Living Accommodation is a building, a number of buildings or part of a building, consisting of any kind of material that has been designed or has been designed or made adequate by rebuilding for occupation by one household.

For a matter of fact: living accommodation and household coincide with each other. The way of living together in a living accommodation determines the definition of ‘Living Accommodation’ (several separate rooms in which persons live in informal domestic relations with each other.

Local-born population or Curaçaoan-born population

those persons who are born in Curaçao



Medium Medium is a channel or system of communication, information, or entertainment (Merriam Webster dictionary)

Mercantilist view

  focuses on hoarding international reserves in order to prevent or mitigate appreciation, with the ultimate goal of increasing export growth.

Micro bedrijven

Bedrijven met minder dan 5 werkenden. Het gaat om vaste werkenden en niet om uitzendkrachten, oproepkrachten etc.

De werkenden kunnen een tijdelijk contract hebben. of een contract voor een onbepaalde tijd.

Middelgrote bedrijven

Bedrijven met 10 tot en met 50 vaste werkenden


Dit zijn bedrijven met minder dan 50 personen in loondienst en een omzet van minder dan 5 miljoen gulden


a change in the place of usual residence implying a movement across an administrative boundary. Immigration refers to those persons who settle in Curaçao as their usual place of residence and emigration refers to those persons who move from Curaçao to another country as their usual place of residence.


Onder milieustatistieken wordt hier verstaan statistieken (gegevens, informatie) betreffende onze omgeving. Meer in het bijzonder wordt hiermee bedoeld: lucht (emissies), land (afval ,transport, energie ) en water.

mobile (cellular) telephone

refers to a portable telephone subscribing to a public mobile telephone service using cellular technology, which provides access to the PSTN. This includes analogue and digital cellular systems and technologies such as IMT-2000 (3G) and IMTAdvanced. Users of both postpaid subscriptions and prepaid accounts are included.


NEETs ("Neither in Employment, Education or Training ")
Jongeren in de leeftijd van 15-24 jaar die niet werken, en geen opleiding of een training volgen.
Net migration rate

The net migration rate is the difference between the number of immigrants (people coming into an area) and the number of emigrants (people leaving an area) throughout the year. When the number of immigrants is larger than the number of emigrants, a positive net migration rate occurs. A positive net migration rates indicates that there are more people entering than leaving an area. When more emigrate from a country, the result is a negative net migration rate, meaning that more people are leaving than entering the area


Newspaper is a paper that is printed and distributed usually daily or weekly and that contains news, articles of opinion, features, and advertising

Non-profit institutions serving households sector

This sector consists of all resident NPIs, except those controlled and mainly financed by government that provide non-market goods or services to households (art 4.10).

Norms and values

The set of beliefs, decisions and actions by means of which people manifest what they consider to be right or wrong.

Nuclear family

A nuclear family can consist of a man and a woman (married or living together) with or without (own) children, or: a man or a woman with children. This concept deals primarily with the so-called biological unit. Often it happens that in the household of such a nuclear family live other people: family and/or non-family members.

Note: Every person in a household with more than one nuclear family is by definition member of only one household. Note 




An occupation is defined as the work activities a person practices. Or, if he/she has more than one job, the job (work, profession) most frequently practised. This question does not concern one’s educational background. A respondent can be a graduated anthropologist but if she works as a secretary; then her profession is a secretary.

A respondent can have two jobs, in this case she can work as a secretary and a teacher resp. 10 hours a week and 30 hours a week. Her occupation then is a teacher.  

Ondersteunende cultuurparticipatie

Het bijdragen aan de cultuursector in de vorm van bijvoorbeeld tijd of geld

Ondersteunende sportparticipatie

Het bijdragen aan de sportsector in de vorm van bijvoorbeeld tijd of geld

Onshore passenger visits

onshore passenger visits were estimated by data provided by the cruise lines which tracks the number of passengers and crew that disembark at each destination call.


Output consists only of those goods or services that are produced within an establishment that become available for use outside that establishment. When an enterprise contains more than one establishment, the output of the enterprise is the sum of the outputs of its component establishments (art. 6.38).



De verhouding van de beroepsbevolking tot de totale bevolking van 15 jaar en ouder.


People's willingness to take action in a social context.

Partner aandeel
wordt berekend als de waarde van de export naar een bepaald land gedeeld door de totale export van LAC.
Passieve cultuurparticipatie

Het bijwonen (als toeschouwer) of volgen van culturele evenementen.

Passieve sportparticipatie
Het bijwonen (als toeschouwer) of volgen van sportevenementen.
Persoonlijk inkomen

De som van de  netto of bruto inkomens van een persoon uit het belangrijkste en tweede bron. in de analyse van persoonlijke inkomens is alleen naat het bruto inkomen gekeken.

Precautionary vew

self-insurance against costly output contractions induced by sudden stops and capital flight. This model is used to provide a welfare evaluation of the costs and benefits of hoarding reserves and the optimal size of precautionary demand.

Price Level Index PLI)

Comparative price level indices are the ratios of purchasing power parities to market exchange rates. At the level of GDP, comparative price levels provide 

a measure of the differences in the general price levels of countries. this indicator is measured as an index. (

Primary Income

Is the income which resident units receive by virtue of their participation in the production process, and income receivable by owners of financial or other assets in return for placing assets at the disposal of other institutional units. 

Product aandeel

Is de waarde van de export van een specifiek product gedeeld door de totale LAC export naar dat land.


Quasi corporations

Quasi-corporations are unincorporated enterprises that function as if they were corporations. If they function like corporations, they must keep complete sets of accounts A quasi-corporation may be:

  • either an unincorporated enterprise owned by a resident institutional unit that is operated as if it were a separate corporation and whose de facto relationship to its owner is that of a corporation to its shareholders: such an enterprise must, of course, keep a complete set of accounts; or
  • an unincorporated enterprise owned by a non-resident institutional unit that is deemed to be a resident institutional unit because it engages in a significant amount of production in the economic territory over a long or indefinite period of time ( art. 4.49 t/m 4/52).



An institutional unit is resident in a country when it has a center of economic interest in the economic territory of that country. It is said to have a center of economic interest when there exists some location--dwelling, place of production or other premises--within the economic territory on, or from, which it engages, and intends to continue to engage, in economic activities and transactions on a significant scale either indefinitely or over a finite but long period of time. In most cases, a long period of time may be interpreted as one year or more, although this is suggested only as a guideline and not as an inflexible rule (art.4.15).

Thus, residence is not based on nationality or legal criteria (although it may be similar to the concepts of residence used for exchange control, tax or other purposes in many countries). Some aspects of residence:

(a)   The residence of individual persons is determined by that of the household of which they form part and not by their place of work. All members of the same household have the same residence as the household itself, even though they may cross borders to work or otherwise spend periods of time abroad. If they work and reside abroad so long that they acquire a center of economic interest abroad, they cease to be members of their original households;

(b)   Unincorporated enterprises that are not quasi-corporations are not separate institutional units from their owners and, therefore, have the same residence as their owners;

(c)   Corporations and NPIs may normally be expected to have a center of economic interest in the country in which they are legally constituted and registered. Corporations may be resident in countries different from their shareholders and subsidiary corporations may be resident in different countries from their parent corporations. When a corporation, or unincorporated enterprise, maintains a branch, office or production site in another country in order to engage in a significant amount of production over a long period of time but without creating a subsidiary corporation for the purpose, the branch, office or site is considered to be a quasi-corporation (i.e., separate institutional unit) resident in the country in which it is located (see paragraphs 14.22 to 14.28 of chapter XIV);

d)   Owners of land and buildings in the economic territory of a country are deemed always to have a center of economic interest in that country, even if they do not engage in other economic activities or transactions in the country. All land and buildings are therefore owned by residents (see paragraph 14.14 of chapter XIV).(art. 4.16)


Second-generation migrants

two different groups of immediate descendants of migrants. The first group, with a mixed background is defined as persons who are native born and who have one foreign-born parent and one native-born parent. The second group, with a foreign background, is defined as persons who are native born with both parents foreign born.

Sense of belonging

Is measured through quesions related to the individuals sense of belonging to several entities and statements concerning nation pride and cultural preservation. Examples of these questions are "how attached do you feel your neighborhood" How attached do you feel to Curaçao and I am proud of Curaçao" The scale ran from 1 (not at all)to 10 (completely) 

Sex ratio

the number of males per 100 females

Table: Population of Curaçao, January 1st, 2022

Social involvement

The level of social interconnection of people.

Social media

 Social media are forms of electronic communication (such as websites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such as videos)

Social mobility

The upward and downward movement of individuals or groups pf people. from one generation to the next and between different strata in society.

Special drawing rights

 (ISO 4217 currency code XDR, also abbreviated SDR) are supplementary foreign exchange reserve assets defined and maintained by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The SDR is the unit of account for the IMF, and is not a currency per se.


Alle sport activiteiten behalve lichamelijke sport die scholieren tijdens schooluren beoefenen  of 

die een volwassene als onderdeel van werk beoefend.

Structural unemployment

Arises when jobseekers do not quickly occupy cacant jobs, Thereby lengthening the time period of their job search also known as the spell of unemployment (Mocan,1999 and Levine, 2013).  Barriers in the employee-to-job matching process include, among other things , mismatches between the available skills required by the employers, the composition of the unemployed (e.g., 

Structurele leegstand

Is de leegstaand na twee jaar zonder enig perspectief op  verhuur of verkoop op korte termijn (bouwsteen voor sociaal, 2016

Subjective wellbeing

People's emotional reactions to and cognitive opinions on their own quality of life.



 A television (TV) is a device capable of receiving broadcast television signals, using popular access means such as over-the-air, cable and satellite. A television set is typically a standalone device, but it may also be integrated with another device, such as a computer or a mobile telephone.

Total Fertility Rate (TFR)

the average number of children a woman would bear if she survived through the end of the reproductive age span and experienced at each age a particular set of age-specific fertility rates. It is calculated as the sum of the age-specific fertility rates


A transfer is defined as a transaction in which one institutional unit provides a good, service or asset to another unit without receiving from the latter any good, service or asset in return as counterpart. Transfers may be either current in kind or in cash or capital in kind and in cash.

In the case of a capital transfer the ownership of an asset (other than inventories) is transferred, or an asset (other than inventories) is purchased or disposed of by one or both parties to the transaction. An example of a capital transfer is an investment grant (in cash).

In practice, capital transfers tend to be large, infrequent and irregular.

Current transfers consist of all transfers that are not transfers of capital. They directly affect the level of disposable income and should influence the consumption of goods or services. Current transfers tend to be comparatively small and are made frequently and/or regularly. Both parties should classify a transfer in the same way (art. 8.27).


people willingness to be vulnerable in situations of uncertainty and dependence



Een eenheid van gebruik voor woon- bedrijfsmatige of recreatieve doeleinden die ontsloten wordt via een eigen afsluitbare toegang vanaf de openbare weg, een erf of een gedeelde verkeersruimte

Verblijfsobject met een woonfunctie (woning)
afgesloten eenheid dat wordt gebruikt om permanent in te wonen


Het aantal werkzoekenden als aandeel van de beroepsbevolking
alle personen van 15 jaar en ouder die tijdens het onderzoek zonder werk zijn. op zoek zijn naar werk of een eigen bedrijf willen beginnen, de maan voorafgaand Resultaten Arbeidskrachtenonderzoek Curaçao 2013 aan het onderzoek actief naar werk hebben gezocht en binnen 2 weken kunnen beginnen te werken of een eigen bedrijf starten.